Friday, November 5, 2010

Hello, World!

Wow. I have realized that starting a blog my last semester of college was probably not the smartest thing I've ever done, seeing as I've been so busy that I've only had 6 total posts! My world is spinning with change and excitement. I absolutely love my new job. I'm learning more than I ever thought possible about--everything!

Let me back track. I started my job mid-July. At that point, it was only temporary through November. Last week they asked me to stay permanently, for as long as I would like! The people on the team I work with are so knowledgeable, passionate, and truly wonderful! Could not be happier with my work situation.

At the end of July, my mom and I took a trip to England. We are avid Jane Austen fans, and decided to do the tour of her life. What a gift! I can't explain how beautiful that time was. Not just the scenery, or the amazing food, but being there with my mom was a memory that will stay with me forever. We had a great time!

August & September: Hit the ground running again with work after my 2 week vacation. Weekends: Football season and birthdays! Which means I got to see my boyfriend quite a bit! And if you know me, you know that that means there was a permanent smile on my face for those months! :) We are doing long distance, which is hard, but oh so worth it!

October: Busiest month in work yet! Finally got settled into the apartment. Have furniture now :) Color scheme for bedroom is yellow, brown, and blue. Sounds kinda weird, but it came together pretty nicely!

November: Lots planned for the Holidays this year! Ready for Thanksgiving and cooler weather (but hopefully not tooo cold)!

Stay tuned for more adventures!
